What to Eat and What to Skip When You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy is a joyous occasion for a family; However, it often takes a toll on the body of a woman. Your body changes and hormones not only makes her sick very often, but also makes it vulnerable. Your health is as important as the health of her unborn child. One of the best ways to ensure that it remains healthy and strong is through a healthy, balanced diet. Healthy foods provide the proper amount of nutrition that the mother and baby both need to stay safe.
Here is a list of foods that women should avoid during pregnancy:

Alcohol - Alcohol is a big "Not for pregnant women Although some studies have recently shown that a drink once a week really can not harm the baby, however, most health professionals are in!. agree that alcohol of any kind should be strictly avoided during pregnancy. the reason behind this is that alcohol consumed by those who can be easily absorbed through the placenta into the baby so that the liver is not strong enough to handle liquor. alcohol consumption during pregnancy has been known to affect physical growth and internal organs of a baby, and in many cases also caused a miscarriage.
Caffeine - Doctors often advise women to avoid coffee during pregnancy, due to the high content of caffeine can have a negative impact on breathing and heart rate of a baby. Sometimes it can also cause miscarriage.
Fish - I know that the fish in this list seems strange since fish are a rich source of protein that is very good for pregnant women. However, certain types of fish, like - Mackerel contain toxic levels of mercury and should be avoided. Even the raw or undercooked food should be avoided because it may contain bacteria.
Milk - Like fish even milk is good for the health of the mother because it contains calcium, protein and many other minerals for health but, unpasteurized milk can contain harmful bacteria and should be avoided.
Raw meat - undercooked or raw meat should be avoided because there is a risk that may be contaminated with toxoplasmosis, coliform bacteria and Salmonella.
Raw eggs - These should also be avoided because they may also contain Salmonella.
soft cheese - These types of cheese often contain listeria.
Let us now look at the foods that pregnant women may have:

Meat, eggs and fish was well prepared and cooked. Fish, eggs and meat contain many minerals that help in the development of your child. In the case of fish, it should be considered to have small fish rather than large.
Pasteurized milk is very good for the mother and baby because of its high calcium content.
Hard cheeses, such as Swiss or cheddar cheese are a good alternative to soft cheeses.
Although the above mentioned foods are good for the health of pregnant women, often causes nausea aversion to one or more types of these foods. In this case, consult your doctor for medical advice.

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