High Risk Pregnancy Care

May impose pregnancies high risk (High risk pregnancy) challenges before birth, during or after, if you are pregnant exhibit high risk, you may need you and your baby to control or private throughout pregnancy care, what are the reasons why pregnancy high risk? What can you do to take care of yourself and your unborn?
 Michael Livingston, MD interview :

* What risk factors related to pregnancy exhibit high risk?
Sometimes, the pregnancy exhibit high risk as a result of the case satisfactory appeared before pregnancy, and in other cases, cause a condition that develops during pregnancy both for the mother or the fetus exposed in pregnancy high risk.
There are certain factors that may contribute to the vulnerability of pregnancy high risk include:

- Delayed childbearing age
Pregnancy risks are higher for mothers at the age of 35 and more.

- Lifestyle choices
Cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol and taking illegal drugs may expose the pregnancy at risk.

- Medical History
The previous cases that include both cesarean delivery and low birth weight baby or premature birth (birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy) may increase the risk in subsequent pregnancies.
And other risk factors include family history, which includes injury to any genetic disease or previous cases of pregnancy loss or the death of a child after birth shortly.

- The underlying disease states
The chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and epilepsy increase the risk of pregnancy diabetes, and blood diseases such as anemia or infection or any underlying mental condition may also increase the risk of pregnancy.

- Pregnancy Complications
Numerous complications that occur during pregnancy risk factors, such as problems in the uterus or cervix or placenta represents.

Other problems, such as having a lot of liquid Caminos spoke (ascites amniotic), or decrease the amount of liquid Caminos (lack of amniotic fluid), or double the growth of the fetus, or sensitization Alrahaia (with Rh), which is a serious condition possible may appear when you are negative blood group of where the rhesus factor (Rh), and be the baby's blood group positive factor in terms of rhesus (Rh).

- Download Twins
For women who become pregnant in a twin or multiple twins, they are exposed to greater risk in pregnancy.

* What steps can be taken to strengthen the case of a healthy pregnancy?
If you already know that you Sttardan high risk for pregnancy or because you want to do anything possible to prevent exposure of pregnancy high risk, Valtzme basic rules, for example:

- Identify an appointment to visit a health care provider before pregnancy
If you are considering becoming pregnant, seek advice from the health care provider, it instructs you to start taking a prenatal vitamins a day and reach a healthy weight before they become pregnant, and if you suffer from a medical condition, may need treatment to be adjusted to prepare for pregnancy, has Anaakeck health care provider is also in the extent of your exposure to risk if you have a child with a genetic disease.

- Be careful when using assisted reproductive technology
If you plan to use the fertilization technique Assistant pregnancy, Frai number of embryos to be implanted, Multiple Pregnancy carries a higher risk of exposure to early labor.

- Get regular prenatal care
Visits can help prenatal health care provider to follow your health and your baby's health, due to the circumstances, you may be referred to a specialist in maternal and fetal medicine or pediatrics or genetic diseases or any other specialty.

- Follow a healthy diet
During pregnancy, you'll need a larger amount of folic acid, calcium, iron and other essential nutrients, and can help taking a daily prenatal vitamins to make up for any deficiency, check with your health care provider if you need to feed a special type because of a medical condition like diabetic.

- Aillti overweight
It is possible to acquire the appropriate amount of weight works to promote child health and makes it easier to get rid of excess pounds after childbirth, Vtaaona with your health care provider to determine what is suitable for you.

- Avoid hazardous materials
Conti If you smoke, Voqlaa smoking, also prevents alcohol or illicit drugs, and get the approval of the health care provider before you start or stop taking any medications or supplements.

* Will I need to conduct special tests?
If you are pregnant exhibit high risk, you should perform many tests or follow a variety of procedures in addition to routine screening to prenatal tests, and depending on the circumstances, you may Ausik health care provider, including the following:

- Dedicated or directed ultrasound imaging
This type of ultrasound on the fetus is an imaging technique that uses sound waves of high frequency to take pictures of the fetus in the womb, it is aimed at this type of ultrasound on the fetus suspect a problem, such as abnormal growths.

- Amniocentesis
Is during this procedure, a small sample of the fluid that surrounds the child and protect it during pregnancy withdrawn (amniotic fluid), it is routinely after week 15 of the pregnancy, it is through amniocentesis can identify certain genetic diseases beside the existing defects of the neural tube, which is about serious abnormalities in the brain or spinal cord.

- Take a sample of chorionic villus (CVS Chorionic villus sampling)
During this procedure, it is a sample of cells from the placenta to remove, and is usually done between weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy, and therefore can take a sample of chorionic villus to identify certain genetic diseases.

- Umbilical cord puncture
This test is also known as a blood sample taken from the umbilical cord through the skin, which is a pre very specialized natal tests, where it is a sample of fetal blood from the umbilical cord removal, and is usually done after the 18th week of pregnancy, and during this test can determine cases of chromosomal disorders in the blood and infection.

- Measure cervical length
Health care provider may use ultrasound to measure cervical length in the previous dates of the visit to give birth to determine if you are at risk of premature birth or not.

- Laboratory tests
The health care services may be provided by taking swab of the vaginal secretions to check for the presence of fetal fibronectin, a substance acts as a glue between the fetal sac lining of the uterus, and the emergence of fetal fibronectin may be a sign of premature births.

- Vein Albaouesaologih
This test prenatal used to check the baby's health, and combines this test between monitoring fetal heart rate (stress test failure) and the use of ultrasound on the fetus.
And exposed some diagnostic tests before birth, such as amniocentesis and take a sample of villus chorionic of the seriousness of the loss of the pregnancy, but to a limited extent, and eventually back the decision making prenatal testing you and your spouse, so it is important that Tnaakeca health care provider about the risks and benefits.

* Can I planned to give birth at home?
The home delivery is not recommended for pregnancies high risk, yet, this option is determined by the extent to which that pregnancy gallery severely compromised during the period of care before birth, will review with you the introduction of health care service list of pathological conditions during pregnancy and childbirth period It may affect the safety of the planned birth at home.
Introduction of health care has been warning of the planned birth at home if:
You suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure or seizures disorder or any chronic medical condition.
Increased complications of pregnancy you have, such as pre-eclampsia or premature birth or severe anemia.
I was pregnant with twins.
If your child is not stable in a position to go out with his head first at birth.

* What can I do to ease my concern?
If exposed pregnancy high risk, you may feel panicked or worried about your pregnancy, and may make you very nervous pre-natal visits for fear of hearing bad news.
Unfortunately, it can affect concern for your health and your baby's health, seek advice from a health care services for healthy ways to relax and calm, and some studies suggest that certain techniques, such as imagining things or fun experiences or listening to music, can relieve anxiety during pregnancy.

* Why do I need also to know about pregnancy exhibit high risk?
Check with your health care provider about how to deal with any medical conditions may Taatardan her during the pregnancy, and how your health will affect the labor and delivery, and ask of the provider of health care services to discuss signs or certain symptoms to pay attention to it, for example:
Vaginal bleeding.
Cases of continuous headaches.
Pain or muscle spasm in the lower abdomen area.
Vaginal secretions flowing water or a few drops.
Contractions regular or frequent: a sense of traction in the abdomen.
The lack of activity in the fetus.
Pain or burning when urinating.
Change in vision as well as blurred vision.
Also, try to know the signs or symptoms that require contact your health care services immediately and know when Tlthompsan emergency care.

High-risk pregnancy fluctuations, Fabzli maximum effort to maintain a positive attitude may be exposed through the implementation of steps to promote a healthy pregnancy.

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